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Словарь корней и производных форм языка Эсперанто с переводом на русский язык. 2014.
Словарь корней и производных форм языка Эсперанто с переводом на русский язык. 2014.
Carl Honoré — is a Canadian journalist who wrote the internationally best selling book about the Slow Movement. In 2008, he came out with a new book, Under Pressure: Rescuing Our Children from the Culture of Hyper Parenting , which promotes more relaxed and… … Wikipedia
splendid — [17] Splendid comes via French splendide from Latin splendidus, a derivative of the verb splendēre ‘shine’. This went back ultimately to the Indo European base *splēnd or *plēnd ‘bright’, which also produced Old Lithuanian splendeti ‘shine’ and… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
splendid — 1620s, probably a shortening of earlier splendidious (early 15c.), from L. splendidus magnificent, brilliant, from splendere be bright, shine, gleam, glisten, from PIE * (s)plend bright (cf, Lith. splendziu I shine, M.Ir. lainn bright ). An… … Etymology dictionary
длина полезной нагрузки нисходящего потока — (МСЭ Т G.984.3). [http://www.iks media.ru/glossary/index.html?glossid=2400324] Тематики электросвязь, основные понятия EN payload length downstreamPlend … Справочник технического переводчика
(s)p(h)el-2 — (s)p(h)el 2 English meaning: to shine, shimmer Deutsche Übersetzung: “glänzen, schimmern” Material: O.Ind. sphuliŋga m. ‘spark” (Erweiter. eines *sphuli = Arm. p”ail, IE *spheli ), visphulíŋga ds., vi spuliŋgaka “Funken… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
splendid — [17] Splendid comes via French splendide from Latin splendidus, a derivative of the verb splendēre ‘shine’. This went back ultimately to the Indo European base *splēnd or *plēnd ‘bright’, which also produced Old Lithuanian splendeti ‘shine’ and… … Word origins